IMS Report Market Forecast to 2012
Released on = June 12, 2007, 4:22 am
Press Release Author = Bharat Book Bureau
Industry = Telecommunications
Press Release Summary = Virtually every major telecom industry player must now be dealing with IMS. News of planned IMS-compatible products and services are arriving almost every day.
Press Release Body = Virtually every major telecom industry player must now be dealing with IMS. News of planned IMS-compatible products and services are arriving almost every day. Are you one of them? If you are testing IMS, then you must understand what strategies to adopt to implement and profit from this technology now.
With companies such as Siemens Nokia going straight to enterprises and offering IMS based systems away from the carrier, the importance and influence of IMS is critical to all concerned in the value chain. Are you fully prepared for how it will impact on you?
IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is an open and standardised architecture for mobile and fixed services. But is this really true - is the standard truely open to all? It is used by operators to offer network-controlled multimedia services by combining voice and data in a single packet switched network. Visiongain believes that IMS is one of the key drivers of convergence, but with network-client framework suppliers not reaching agreements then issues still linger. IMS is gaining increased momentum and will have a fundamental impact on you. Virtually all major vendors have IMS strategies in place - competition in this area is rife. Ensure you are successful tomorrow by ordering visiongain\'s latest report, \" The IMS Report 2007\", today.
Operators in Western Europe are embracing IMS, with the first roll-out of IMS-based services occurring in 2005-2006. The technology holds huge potential to increase operator ARPU and reduce churn - will you and your organisation be successful proponents of IMS - order and read visiongain\'s unique insight into market developments.
The brand new report answers key questions, such as:
- Where do the greatest opportunities lie for operators and vendors? - How can both fixed and mobile operators benefit and profit from IMS? - What new types of services and applications will IMS enable? - How will demand for IMS equipment vary by region? By reading this report you will get a detailed perspective on IMS: the technology itself, key players, issues, forecasts and critical success factors that will make IMS a reality.
This report will tell you:
- When fully-fledged IMS handsets will be available? - lack of IMS-capable handsets still an massive concern. - What the total revenue potential from 3G and HSDPA is with IMS? - standards must be set on how to integrate IMS ad non-IMS handsets - What issues your company will need to start looking at in the short-term future? - How using this technology can increase revenues and reduce customer churn? - an agreed standard must be developed to allow manufacture.
Key concerns such as these still exist. If IMS is to offer unique benefits then questions must be answered today.
IMS truly merges the internet with the cellular world to provide ubiquitous access to internet technologies and to provide consumers with appealing services. However if IMS features on your future technology plans, you need to get a handle on this subject now.
The report provides forecasts for revenue generation from these services and describes the key drivers to successful future of IMS services, applications and handsets. By buying this report, you will be ideally placed to profit from IMS development.
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Contact Details = Bharat Book Bureau 207, Hermes Atrium Navi Mumbai 400 614 91-(022)-2757 8668 91-(022)-2757 9131
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